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Re: generic rules for contradictory universes

From: damosan@c...
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 17:32:04 +0000
Subject: Re: generic rules for contradictory universes

> I've been reading some of the fighters debate, hoping that 
> whatever comes out is simple.

I also like the way BFG deals with fighters-- they're attrition units
after all.

I hope the testers and such are looking for balanced "middle ground"
examples of fighters that can be tweaked either upward or downward as
required for the setting.

What I'd be looking for is a fighter design system modeled after the
ship design system.  Basic fighter with no weapons and 12" move is N
points.  With beams is +N1, 24" movement +N2, etc, etc, etc.

BUT having said all that I'm happy with the way they are presently as
most games I've played weren't with strangers and weren't "lets take N
points and build custom fleets."  I like the background and the ships in
the fleet books.  I also understand the need for fighters to be balanced
within the current points framework.


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