Looking at making "modular" fighters
From: DOCAgren@a...
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 14:04:41 EDT
Subject: Looking at making "modular" fighters
Hi all,
I'm back.. Still working on my "Omni/Modular" fighters, which will
a single fighter type to reconfig either off the battle board, or during
the game goes long enough.
I started using Jared Noble's Webapage
http://www.alaska.net/%7Ejnoble/FT/FT_mod_ftrs.html, as my base line
with a few suggestion from Jerry Cantrill,
That he gave here in the list.
And went to the Weapons & Defense Archives - Fighters. At some of the
New frame Type: Cost Eff
Light -.5 0
Does anyone Know what the Rules are for "Large Fighters".. IE how many
Squadron? I'm assuming that U don't 6 get of these for the price....
Have a Good One,
DOC Agren
(Lurker on the Digest)