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Re: [SG2} House Rules for Fire Team Units

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 21:20:37 +0200
Subject: Re: [SG2} House Rules for Fire Team Units

On Apr 5, 2005 7:11 PM, Allan Goodall <> wrote:

I'm back from CMTC, let the games begin.

> > 4.	A squad leader may transfer actions to elements of his squad.
> Works fine for two fire teams per squad. What about the Phalons with
> three fire teams per squad? Historically there are other armies that
> played around with three fire teams per squad. I'm still working on
> myself.

USMC, for instance.

The entire 'fire team' issue is METT-T dependant.

If I were running a recon section, I might operate by fire team.  Or a
single squad on patrol.  If I were fighting an entire platoon, I'd
fight it as 3 squads and a weapons squad (or whatever your MTOE, the
vagaries of cross-attachment, and other factors permit).

After all, what are you gaming?  If you are working at a simulation of
platoon-level command, a PL isn't going to maneuver individual
fireteams.  And if the entire platoon is present the maneuver scheme
is probably not going to involve individual teams but squads operating
as coherent wholes.  If something comes up where a team is the only
thing you can detach off to deal with the situation then the
'reorganize' action simulates the squad leader giving a sketchy FRAGO
to his team leader and sending him off.

Don't get me started on MTOEs which have 8-man squads COUNTING the
vehicle crews.	My squad currently has 1 SGT(P) Squad leader, 1 SGT
team leader (ME) commanding the track, two vehicle drivers (driving
the squad track and the LT's track), a pair of SAW gunners, and two
PFCs with M-16s.  Sappers on the ground: five guys, including two
SAWs, led by the squad leader directly, no team leader.  We don't even
have a specialist.

Real life rarely matches a neat paper organization.

"Thousands of Sarmatians, Thousands of Franks, we've slain them again
and again.  We're looking for thousands of Persians."
--Vita Aureliani

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