RE: [SG2} House Rules for Fire Team Units
From: "Katrina Brown" <mwbrown@s...>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 20:50:57 -0700
Subject: RE: [SG2} House Rules for Fire Team Units
I am following this thread fairly closely. I think I started this by
talking about SG/DS for Traveller. I have mounted my 15's onto 2 figure
bases (single figure commanders) ala Striker2. Using a base as a
with one team designated as the SL's Team a squad will have 2-4 stands.
integrity is 6" then a squad would cover 12-18" max. My reasoning is
Team members are rarely more than 4-5m apart (1/2" in SG).
This starting to look like a bridge between SG and DS, which is what I'm
starting to feel is what I want. Players start maneuvering platoons
allowing more vehicles and heavy weapons.
Having played a lot of Command Decision, Striker2 is really not that
Striker1 was a great platoon leader trainer. I want Tech levels, I want
fast playing games, I want realism ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
[mailto:owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU] On Behalf Of Allan Goodall
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [SG2} House Rules for Fire Team Units
I'm going to combine three responses into one, since they are all about
the same thing.
The GZG Digest wrote on 4/8/2005 1:00 AM:
>> 1. Do we give squad leaders an integrity range equal to the squad
>> leader's quality die type? If we do, should we give the fire teams
>> the same integrity range to be consistent? Should the extended
>> integrity range apply to all units, or only units with
>> communications gear?
> To the team's QD.
> Does appeal, but then you get into the comms argument (why should it
> matter if over comms anyway) so not sure now really!
> Again fine with me, though it does mean your elites can be very
> thinly spread!
> 1. QD=Unit Integrity (for both tranferer & transferee). It gives a
> small advantage to the higher quality troops. If it works, this
> should probably be carried over to the main rules as well.
It seems that folk are interested in at least trying integrity ranges
equal to quality die type.
Beth's comment about them being spread thinly makes me think that
perhaps this isn't a good idea. You could have an entire elite squad of
two fire teams spread out over 2 feet of board space! You could spread a
Phalon squad over 3 feet of space. I think that causes too many
I think we should playtest it with fire team integrity at 6", and squad
integrity equal to the squad leader's die type. To be consistent with
the RAW, we should probably do communication rolls if the squad leader
is greater than 6" away from a fire team. I actually see Brendan's point
about _not_ making a communication roll for the squad leader, but I'm
guessing that the SG2 community in general would want it.
>> 3. Should a fire team make a 4/3/2 Confidence Test if the fire team
>> leader becomes a casualty? Obviously from the rules, above, I'm
>> leaning that way, but I can see arguments against it.
> No, save that for the SL (ie anyone who can transfer an action).
> I'd be tempted to say yes, but are we going to end up with a lot of
> tests that way?
> 3. Yes. Additionally, what happens to the chain of command when the
> LT dies? Normal squads allocate a new officer; the fireteams don't
> have a replacement.
To answer Beth, it won't be a lot more tests. You will have to make a
Confidence Test whenever a fire team takes casualties. However, it means
that there would be a lot more 4/3/2 Confidence Tests made.
I think it should be playtested with Laserlight's suggestion, that only
the squad leader triggers a Confidence Test.
Brendan makes a very good point about the chain of command. I have
longed for cascading morale in SG2, but I'd like to address that at
another point, after we see if fire teams are viable.
Allan Goodall