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Re: [SG2} House Rules for Fire Team Units

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 15:02:20 -0400
Subject: Re: [SG2} House Rules for Fire Team Units

Ahem.  "Fire teams, which consist of 3-5, usually with one support

LL> 3. The squad leader may leave any element without creating a
> detachment, and may operate independently.  If he wants to join an
> element (add his firepower, operate its weapon, etc), it has to
> reorganize.

Allan constinued:
>That's a pretty hefty penalty for something that happens instinctively.

Imagine two fire teams sitting beside each other. The squad leader runs 
from the one on the right to the one on the left to add his firepower to

the team. I'm not sure why it would take a Reorganise action for him to 
yell, "You're firing too high!" and get them to fire more effectively.

I'm thinking of the reorg as the team leader reporting what's going on,
SL assesssing the situation and taking over a weapon.  I'm considering
"transfer an action" to be what he does to get them to fire more

LL> 4.	A squad leader may transfer actions to elements of his squad.
AG> Works fine for two fire teams per squad. What about the Phalons with

three fire teams per squad? Historically there are other armies that 
played around with three fire teams per squad. I'm still working on this


In the initial concept (rifle and support teams) the Islamic Fed would
four teams per squad.  Someone just wouldn't get an extra activation.

AG>You have one fire team heading for cover across a field with some
bushes to a tree line. You have another fire team giving suppressing 
fire. The firing fire team is hit with artillery and drops to broken 
status. Does it make sense that the maneuvering team should drop to 
broken status, too?

I could swallow that, or I can see doing it the way you suggest.

AG>What happens when you transfer actions from a command unit to a fire 
team? Do both fire teams become reactivated or only one? If both are 
reactivated, do they get two actions?

The squad leader is the one transferring activations, and one transfer
to one team (and of course the PL could transfer an activation to the

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