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Re: Traveller + SG2/DS2/?

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2005 04:28:48 -0500
Subject: Re: Traveller + SG2/DS2/?

From: "Infojunky"
> I'm gonna have to go back to the real world on this, in rough and
> terrain sometimes feet are better than vehicles.

Remember that if we're talking Traveller, we're talkiing grav


> Ah, I see now. Your hung up on the the time scale. Ok I see the
basis of
> some of your arguments then. Still we are talking about combat, so
> is fuzzy.

That turns out not to be the case.  You've got terrain on the board,
you can have modern weapons, you've got infantry walking on roads in
the rear areas, you've got a pretty good correlation of time and
distance ("how long does it take to walk as far as the effective range
of an M16 rifle?").

 If a vehicle doesn't move very fast in relation to infantry, it ought
to be because the player says "I'm going to get shot up if I try
this", not because the rules say "a tank can't move faster than
6mph--not even a grav tank in a hurry".

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