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New weapons from Beta Test fleets

From: J L Hilal <jlhilal@y...>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 09:58:48 -0800 (PST)
Subject: New weapons from Beta Test fleets

With the game we played this weekend, we talked about the beta-test
fleets and have some more thoughts.

1)  Extended range and heavy weapon systems
In particular to the extended range PTL and the big beam weapon,
instead of just having these two systems introduced, how about
introducing rules for a full range of alternate beam and torpedo
systems in keeping with the generic nature of FT, then state that in
the GZG setting, only certain combinations are available and only to
certain forces.

for example:
[These numbers may not be correct and balanced, but they should suffice
to illustrate what I mean.]

"Pulse Torpedo Launchers
PTLs are available in both larger and longer range models.
PTLs firing heavier warheads are available.  Those doing 2d6 damage are
1.5x the MASS, those doing 3d6 damage are 1.75x MASS, those doing 4d6
damage per hit are 2x MASS.
PTLs with longer ranges are available.	For each 3 MU increase in range
band, double the MASS, so 9 MU (Extended Range) is 2x MASS, 12 MU (long
Range) is 4x MASS, etc.).
These features can be combined.  So, for example, a ER-PTL/2 would be
12 MASS + 3 MASS per added arc.
In the GZG setting, the NI fleet uses ER-PTL/1s."


"Beam Cannon and Extended Range Beams
Beams are available in both longer range models and those doing more
Beams with longer ranges are available.  For each 6 MU increase in
range band, double the MASS, so 18 MU (Extended Range) is 2x MASS, 24
MU (Long Range) is 4x MASS, etc.
Beams that do more than 1 point of damage per hit are available.  These
are refered to as "Beam Cannon" to differentiate them from standard
beams.	Beam Cannon that do 1d3 damage per hit (light BC) are 2x MASS,
those that do 1d6 damage per hit are 3x MASS.
These features can be combined.  So, for example, a Light ER-BC/3 would
be 16 MASS + 4 MASS per added arc, while a ER-BC3 would be 24 MASS + 6
MASS per added arc. 
In the GZG setting, the UNSC fleet uses ER-BCs."

2)  Variable Hull Rows
>From the 2 games I have played with this, it seems a little too
effective for the cost.  How about 1st threshold = 5+, 2nd threshold =
4+ (or 3+)?

3)  New missiles
Really don't like the AM Missiles.  O.O. has said that Jon T. wanted to
get the EFSB E-mine mechanic into FT.  So how about a alternate warhead
for SMs?
"Salvo Missile Nova Warhead"
PSB depends on PSB of standard warheads.  If standard are conventional
or kinetic-energy, then Nova Warhead are nukes; if standard are nukes
then Nova Warhead are Really Big nukes (Mt range instead of kt range)
or matter-anti-matter, etc.
Works like standard salvo missiles except
A) they do not move to attack a target, instead detonating in place
B) since they do not have a terminal attack run, they are harder to
shoot down (how about a -2 DRM vs PD and AS fire?)
C) all missiles that survive anti-missile fire detonate.  Figure damage
as EFSB E-Mine/Beta-Test AM-Missile with a stating number of dice = #
surviving missiles (e.g. if 4 missiles survive, then 4 dice to 1 MU, 3
dice to 2 MU, etc.)  Screens subtract 1 point per die, to a minimum of
0 per die.  Vapor shrouds act as level-2 screens.


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