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[SG 2] Rotary Saw figures

From: Warbeads@a...
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 07:53:35 EST
Subject: [SG 2] Rotary Saw figures

Playing with my Cotu spreadsheets and got to thinking about what  was in
designs of the platoons and Squads versus the figures (I succumbed  and
have skeletons for NI [NPC], IF and IC Platoons in 25 mm scale) I  own.
Without looking at the GZG catalog I was stumped as to what figures 
have 'rotary' saws as allowed for in the rules.  Anyone  know?	I'll
have to dig 
out and reread the catalog after the washer and  dryer are delivered,
last regularly scheduled Fifth grade girls' basketball	game is over,
and the 
furniture is moved in anticipation of my Mother-in-law	moving in at the
end of 
the month.  But nothing comes immediately to  mind.

Glenn  "warbeads"

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