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Re: War of the Worlds

From: "John K. Lerchey" <lerchey@a...>
Date: Fri, 04 Mar 2005 14:12:16 -0500
Subject: Re: War of the Worlds

IIRC, and yes, it's been a while since I read the book too, they did not

have joints.  Instead, the legs and arms were made of strips of 
(presumabley) metal, kind of like a leaf spring.  The parts slid along
other, lengthening and shortening to perform articulation.

Man.. I hope that that's accurate and not just one of my


--On Friday, March 04, 2005 12:29 AM -0800 Rrok Anroll 
<> wrote:

> I haven't read in a while, but I remember the old films, (hmm... movie
> night...must make note of that...) was there something that
> specifically said the walkers didn't have joints? cause even without a
> wheel, a 'ball' joint would work.....
> --- John K Lerchey <> wrote:
>> they can miss things like "The martians had never invented the wheel"
>> and
>> thus, their walkers did not have joints in the legs.  Grumble
>> grumble.
> Remember, even light is shaped by the darkness that surrounds it, and
> true crafters are seldom ever seen. Welcome to the shadows kid.
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John K. Lerchey
Computer and Network Security Coordinator
Information Security Office
Carnegie Mellon University

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