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RE: [OFFICIAL] One-week-only Special GZG Deals!

From: "Andy Skinner" <andyskinner@r...>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 17:03:01 -0500
Subject: RE: [OFFICIAL] One-week-only Special GZG Deals!

Yeah, I probably would be interested in a medium pack.	Or would be if I
hadn't just taken advantage of your February deal.  :)

I had to decide between Japanese and NSL fleets, both of which appealed
to me (though different in style).  I chose the Japanese,
but if I want to come back later for the NSL, the medium pack might
appeal to me ... :)  And my son will have to save up a good bit
more if wants to buy more KV, and this might work out.

By the way, do people tend to use the fleets with the designs from the
FB1?  With occasional additions?  Using the models from one
fleet with the rules for another?  Completely self-designed ships?  I
haven't any idea if I'll like the rules for the Japanese
fleet--I just liked the models.  So I could use different ones, of


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