Prev: Re: [OFFICIAL] One-week-only Special GZG Deals! Next: Re: [semi-OT] NYT article on War(hammer)gaming

Re: [OFFICIAL] One-week-only Special GZG Deals!

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 07:58:07 +0000
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL] One-week-only Special GZG Deals!

>--- Ground Zero Games <> wrote:
>>  OFFER 1:  FULL THRUST miniatures:
>>  BUY any MEGA-FLEET DEAL PACK at 50 GBP, and get an FT PAK 2 (Carrier
>>  Group) or an FT PAK 3 (Battle Squadron) for the same fleet,
>>  ABSOLUTELY FREE! That's a complete 15 GBP pack of ships FREE, on top
>>  of the savings you are already making with the Mega-Fleet deal!
>I am looking at getting the Japanese fleet.  What miniatures are in
>each of the 3 packs? (Mega, Carrier, Battle)

Megafleet:  1 x SDN, 1 x BDN/BBH, 2 x BB, 2 x BC, 2 x CH, 2 x CE, 2 x 
CL, 4 x DD, 4 x FF, 3 x CT, 3 x SC.

Carrier pak (pak 2):   1 x CVL, 1 x CL, 2 x DD, 2 x FF, 4 x assorted 
fighter groups. (Fighter stands not included  - order your choice of 
FT001 or 002 separately if required)

Battle Sqn pak (pak 3):  1 x BB, 1 x BC,  2 x CE, 2 x DD, 3 x CT.

Jon (GZG)


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