Re: [FT] Shhhh! In-game secrets...
From: Inire <inire@y...>
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 08:15:55 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [FT] Shhhh! In-game secrets...
of late we've been playing that SSDs are scarfed after
the dice start to roll; we assume that if it is
important enough to the other side they'll keep some
kind of a tally to guesstimate the situation on the
opposing ships.
as for fighters, it has long been a tactic of planners
to have planes of one type fly a profile meant for
another class of craft simply to spoof the opposing
forces. As such, fighter types are only appatrent once
the fighters attack.
--- Dances With Rocks <> wrote:
> "Flak Magnet (Tim)" wrote:
> >
> > We have a polite difference of opinion in our FT
> group about what kind of
> > information should be freely shared during a game
> of Full Thrust, so I
> > thought I'd ask what the rest of you think, or how
> you guys play it:
> >
> > After a game has started (meaning ship designs are
> finalized, etc) do you guys
> > and gals keep your SSDs secret from the other
> players or do you let them see
> > them?
> Generally play open SSD, but the few times that I've
> played closed
> SSD we allowed knowledge of whather screens were
> up/down, and whether
> firecontrols were active or not (PSBing that not all
> FireCons are
> 100% passive systems, that there are active elements
> to it; otherwise
> how do you handle the "they're locking weapons!"
> bits? ;-).
> > If someone asks, is a player obligated to tell
> another player his ship's
> > velocity?
> Yes. That should be readily obvious from simply
> observing the ship's
> movement.
> > During the PDS allocation phase, is the player
> with the fighters obligated to
> > accurately disclose what TYPES of fighters are
> contained in each group?
> We've always done so. Presumed it was generally
> known which type of
> fighter is which (much as you might know an F-18
> from an A-10), unless
> it was a true "first encounter". That's the only
> time we have done
> 'hidden' fighter types.
> > This last ?? isn't so much about in-game secrets:
> >
> > I thought there was something about torpedo
> fighters being generally banned
> > from the Tuffleyverse canon by Jon T. himself, but
> I haven't been able to
> > find anything about that in the archives... am I
> mistaken completely?
> I don't remember this, but my memory isn't always
>, what
> were we talking about again?
> Mk
Jeff "My dice hate me!" Fearnow
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