Re: [FT] Shhhh! In-game secrets...
From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 21:56:10 +0000
Subject: Re: [FT] Shhhh! In-game secrets...
On Mon, Feb 07, 2005 at 04:39:10PM -0500, Ryan Gill wrote:
>Ahh, yes, SSDs should be seen prior to battle start, or at least a
>generic SSD. Some ships should be able to deviate.
I've played with fully-open and fully-concealed SSDs (in the latter
case we only grudgingly revealed screen levels). I can't say I thought
it made a huge difference to the game, and usually play open these days.
Since there's no official rule on how this aspect of the game is to be
played, I'd say that as long as people can agree in advance on what's
to be done there shouldn't be a problem.