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Re: [SGII] Fire of AT Missiles at disperesed tagets

From: "Richard Kirke" <richardkirke@h...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 22:53:21 +0000
Subject: Re: [SGII] Fire of AT Missiles at disperesed tagets

>BTW, the reason John and I are going on about not using GMS against
>*in the open* is that that's what Richard Kirke's original question
>to be about. All of your would-be counter arguments have been about
>targets, and thus aren't relevant since that's not what we're arguing 

Thankyou for all your input. In the scenario itself due to some very
rolling on my part the situation for my opponent was sufficiently
so I am happy to have let him fire his GMSs.

But I agree a reduced FP is probably correct.

But under most circumstances I will forbid it in future.


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