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Re: FT in centimeter scale?

From: Alan and Carmel Brain <aebrain@w...>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 02:16:29 +1100
Subject: Re: FT in centimeter scale?

Oerjan Ohlson wrote:

> Out of curiousity, what terrain?

One "Class M" Planet, plus a number of GeoSync satellites with good 
self-defence capabilities. And a ring of debris a la Saturn where a moon

used to be a billion years ago. Mostly patches dust and micrometeors, 
but enough to really "sandblast" anything coming in too quickly.

The idea is that the KV will have navigation difficulties that will slow

them down. They either go "dead slow" and straight, or must "thread the 
needle" between patches. Otherwise the evacuation isn't a goer.

Alan & Carmel Brain

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