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Armour and Cover Answer: (was Re: SGII Question Armour and Cover)

From: "Allan Goodall" <agoodall@a...>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 08:35:49 -0600
Subject: Armour and Cover Answer: (was Re: SGII Question Armour and Cover)

On 8 Jan 2005 at 23:00, The GZG Digest wrote:

> From: "Richard Kirke" <>
> >The default is Closed Shift -- see  Die Type Shifts, page 6.
> >
> That is pretty much what I am asking, is it a close shift (as detailed
> the rules) and so does this mean that power armoured troops (armoured
> are invulnerable from all ranged attacks when in soft cover? What
> vehicles? Are they similarly invulnerable in cover?

The answer is that impact versus armour is an open shift.

This was answered by Jon quite a while ago. I have SG2 errata on my web 
site. For now you can find it at:

though this will change fairly soon. You can also find it by going to: 

and navigating through from the top of my site.

To quote my site:


Page 6: A reference is made to open shifts with respect to Impact versus

Armour rolls on page 38. There is no mention of open shifts with respect

to Impact versus Armour rolls on that page (though page 38 is the
detailing Impact versus Armour). A similar comment, however, is made on 
page 13. See Clarifications, below.



Page 6: A reference is made to Impact versus Armour rolls being open 
shifts. The official answer from John Tuffley is that impact versus 
armour -- whether it be infantry or vehicles -- is an open shift, not a 
closed shift.

I can't remember when Jon ruled that it was an open shift, but he did 
mention it either here or on the playtest list.

> From: "Laserlight" <>
> b) I've always played with it as a closed shift--which means that D12
> PA wouldn't get any armor benefit from being in cover (although it's
> still harder to hit in the first place).

I've always played that it was Open. IMO PA should be big and scary, as 
per the open shift. I don't like the idea of PA behind a brick wall 
having the same protection as D8 armour behind a brick wall.


Allan Goodall

"How can I work with all you peasants kneeling and mumbling?"
  - Michelangelo, while painting the Sistine Chapel (as interpreted
    by Animaniacs) 

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