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Re: OT New American Uniforms

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 20:16:02 +0100
Subject: Re: OT New American Uniforms

On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 12:34:45 -0600, Bradley, Jason (US - Minneapolis)
<> wrote:
> I thought they got trashed during Market Garden in WWII?

You do NOT drop airborne into the assembly area of an SS Panzer Corps
and come out on top.  Testosterone is not a substitute for heavy

However, the 1st ABN did acquit themselves rather heroically.  Had
Montgomery not been a congenital moron stupid enough to attack down a
literal two-lane front, they would have been rescued.

"Thousands of Sarmatians, Thousands of Franks, we've slain them again
and again.  We're looking for thousands of Persians."
--Vita Aureliani

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