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Re: [FT] Tug/Tender Rule Question

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 09:39:15 -0600
Subject: Re: [FT] Tug/Tender Rule Question

>Having the books on hand for my dragon/space sea-life info.... on Page
of FB1,

Whoops, forgot to check FB1...

>it specifically mentions extending the field around other ships and
the FTL drives are bigger...
>if it was something that required additional structure, why not just
a bigger ship with really large hanger bays...?

Actually, it differentiates between tugs and tenders. Battle riders are
normally thought to use tenders, and FB1 sez 'any ship can be made into
TENDER by having internal bay space allocated to carry other ships'. On
other hand, TUGS have to have hugely increased FTL systems.

What is the difference in effect between a tender and a tug? Not at all
clear from the rules; ships tend to be tendered to battle, and tugged

And then we get into some parts of 'what is hull' and 'does it mean the
same as volume' and other philosophical questions... ;->=

>Yes.  Whatever you want in your universe.

Well, that was my answer 'sort of', but as we've saddled the lovely
system with a point structure, I suppose we should think how it is
to those differing universes.


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