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Re: My New Fleet

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 13:40:56 -0500
Subject: Re: My New Fleet

> I got my New Israeli Fleet in the mail today.

Holy c**p! I was just chuckling at the groppos for the 'embarrassment of
riches', in choices not pocketbook, so that their bank accts were in
jeopardy, and I notice, not only the increasing NI, but NSL additions
the first of the year I'd missed.


I'm assuming some are from contractors that the UN are using...

> It is simply gorgeous. Well designed, well cast, and a
> marvelous look.

Wow, Noam, I thought you'd done some of the sculpting; you aren't
your own horn, are you? ;->=

OK, dopey moi.

> The Yerushalyim and Barak are particularly nice cruisers,
> and the Ben
> Gurion and Tzion are rather unique capitals. The whole fleet has a
> greate cohesive theme, and, well, _character_.

Is that a Monty Python great? "Greate, just greate!"

Those Yerushalayim(sp?) and Barak ARE fetching, but aren't they a little
close in appearance. In person, is there any problem in telling them
It's a delicate juggling act, making unique ships that still 'hang

> Great job, Jon!

He's got your lucre; you can quit sucking up... ;->=

> You may all commence your jealous raging.

Well and truly begun, but you noticed that.

> Kitbasher note:
> THe NI fleet is ripe with possibility. I believe components are
> swappable with UN and IJN fleets at least, but even if
> not, stick three
> carrier bays on the SDN hull for a Supercarrrer (12 groups
> at the GZG
> scale), or three of the DN "shoulder" gun sets for a Heavy
> Battledreadnought.

I can't depend on getting kits together the way they're intended. Just
figure, whatever you suggest, may well show in the next kit list. Are
going to share bashed kit ship stats?

OHMYGOSH, try saying that quickly.


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