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My New Fleet

From: Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg@j...>
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 13:51:21 -0400
Subject: My New Fleet

I got my New Israeli Fleet in the mail today.

It is simply gorgeous. Well designed, well cast, and a marvelous look. 
The Yerushalyim and Barak are particularly nice cruisers, and the Ben 
Gurion and Tzion are rather unique capitals. The whole fleet has a 
greate cohesive theme, and, well, _character_.

Great job, Jon!

You may all commence your jealous raging.

Kitbasher note:
THe NI fleet is ripe with possibility. I believe components are 
swappable with UN and IJN fleets at least, but even if not, stick three 
carrier bays on the SDN hull for a Supercarrrer (12 groups at the GZG 
scale), or three of the DN "shoulder" gun sets for a Heavy 

Beamer Zoning	  (Noam Izenberg - luxury cars only in this area)

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