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RE: Initiative card draw

From: <Beth.Fulton@c...>
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 09:45:16 +1000
Subject: RE: Initiative card draw


> For another, I'll want something to provide incentive for the leader
> to lead, instead of hiding in a corner.  Perhaps it takes two face
> cards to "activate any squad" if you're farther from the enemy board
> edge than the squad is; only takes one if the leader is closer.  Or
> maybe there's a better solution.

I can appreciate why you want the leader not hiding in a corner, but I
don't think a rule worded in that way would work as you'd have people
arguing over 1/2cm etc... believe me I've seen it in Empire and DBM
games.... "you went across my front"... "No I didn't! I withdrew a 1/4
inch!".... In that particular case it was my father-in-law and his main
gaming partner of the time... I felt a sudden desire to be somewhere
else and fast.

> Anything else?

Nothing leaps to mind but that's probably because I still don't have a
good sense of where this is at yet, could you possibly draw it together
and repost so I can see it all in one spot please?



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