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Re: A bunch of different stuff from the Digest

From: Robert Makowsky <rmakowsky@y...>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 14:31:15 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: A bunch of different stuff from the Digest


Thanks for the points below as well.  I think I am
going to have to get hold of this Piquet and take a
look at it.  Seems right up my ally - solitare or Coop
play being very interesting.

Bob Makowsky

--- Allan Goodall <> wrote:

I'll also point out that Piquet is very good for
co-operative play. 
is a variation of playing the game that some folks
actually prefer. I'm 
going to be gaming out an alt-history engagement with
a friend who 
as strong, tactically, as I am. We are gaming it for
his novel. We did 
co-operative game once before for a battle in his
novel and it worked 
very well.

Another area where Piquet works well is in solitaire
gaming, since you 
don't know who will win the initiative next or what
cards will come up.

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