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[SG2] Heroic SG

From: Rrok Anroll <coldnovemberrain_2000@y...>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 22:14:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [SG2] Heroic SG

Well.... okay here's some ideas to consider.....
1. Search the list arcives for the FMA Skermish rules that got posted...
I seem to recall that there is something there about characters with
"skills". Incorporate that... but only with these "heroic" characters...
their "skills" beig what makes them heroic.
2. Heroes have special abilities, be it rerolls, confidence/reaction
effects, activations, excetera..... however, in order to use those
abilities.... they have to be under "heroic" circumstances in order to
use those abilities... Using abilities would require a kind of ...
reversed reaction/confidence roll. ie. the calmer, less desparate the
situation.... the more penalties against using the abilities.... the
more desparate the situation... the fewer penalties or more bonuses
towards being able to use the abilities.....
Personally I like the second... for the most part it pretty much manages
to use the systems already in place... and the only real hard part is
creating a penalty table for trying to use the heroic abilites during
non-"heroic" moments....

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