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Re: [DS3] Dirtside Accelerator for Infantry

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 12:26:22 -0400
Subject: Re: [DS3] Dirtside Accelerator for Infantry

At 10:09 AM -0400 9/10/04, John K Lerchey wrote:
>Hi All,
>So, the only real problem I have with this paragraph is that in DSII 
>terms there is NO modifier for non-evading targets movement in the 
>fire system.
>Thus, rather than dropper per range band, etc., I would suggest that 
>if you wanted to allow for HEAT rounds for HVCs, give them whatever 
>chit/chit validity is appropriate and reduce the firer accuracy by 1 
>die type.

Don't forget to pull chits as for GMS weapons. Specifically with 
regards to range not affecting types of chits pulled and with regards 
to reactive armor effects.

-		  Data Center Operations Group		      -
-	       -
- Ryan Montieth Gill		       One CNN Center SE0813 E -
- Internet Technologies   --   Data Center Operations Manager  -
- Hours 11am - 7pm Mon - Fri	    (8Sdc, 10Sdc IT@3Ndc)      -
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