Re: Ground Zero Games Fanzine
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 08:41:21 -0500
Subject: Re: Ground Zero Games Fanzine
>I'd be in favor of such a thing.
Wake up and smell the coffee, Noam, it's off and running. We're already
having teething problems and turf wars. ;->=
Your list of items was very interesting indeed. WotW is your baby,
Generous of you to offer it!
While I would dearly love to see Tufflyverse variants fleshed out and
proper SSD's, I'm not sure we wouldn't be stepping on Jon's toes,
especially if those SSD's are to be included in further pubs. On the
hand, if the final versions are available from his site, it can only be
attributed to his generosity.
Doing close-ups of the various player created 'powers' can only
development and fleshing out of the same. Rather than merely 'lifting'
out of the Encyclopedia, it would give the original authors and their
compatriots a chance to revisit and update them with comments from
Jerry might even see stalled entries (such as my own) filling out quite
Damn, I'm almost blue-sky today, no?