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[DS3] Dirtside Accelerator for Infantry

From: "CS Renegade" <njg@c...>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 22:21:51 +0100
Subject: [DS3] Dirtside Accelerator for Infantry

I've introduced the Dirtside Accelerator
[] at my local

Regarding the accelerator itself, we find that it does deliver a
considerable increase in speed even before all those irritating
repair rolls and "what about that damaged tank?" cases are taken
into account. Against that, I'm having difficulty losing my
"weapon X beats armour x" & "armour X is proof against weapon x"
wargamer's mentality, where X > x.

Am I correct in thinking that single opposed dice give a flatter
distribution than drawing N chits against a fixed target total,
when N > 2?  If so then this would account for my reservations, 
but it would lead us to replacing the unloved chit litter on the
table with bucketloads of dice. I gather that there is already a
rules system that does that.

As published, the accelerator doesn't cater for infantry other than
to publish a die for IVARs. Now it might be that rules from SG2
could be dropped in to cover this discrepancy, but not owning a
copy I offer the following alternatives: (zero testing as always) 

Direct Translation Of Existing Rules (DS2 pages 33-36)
Ranges and limitations remain as per existing rules; the following
purely replaces the chit draws.

Militia / Line Infantry        roll 1 D6
APFC / HEL / RFAC / HVC / MDC  roll 1 D6 
APSW / Powered / DFFG / SLAM-3 roll 1 D8
SLAM-4			       roll 1 D10
SLAM-5			       roll 1 D12

target Militia		       roll 1 D4
target Line Infantry	       roll 1 D6
target Powered Armour	       roll 1 D8

target +1 die type if in soft cover
target +2 die types if urban or dug in

Statistically a bit rough-and-ready, but spot checks suggest that
these are not far from the current chances.

Alternative Infantry Rules
This is more of a personal interpretation of the DS arsenal; to
do this properly I'd need to rewrite bits of pg 6, 8 and 9, and
then re-examine the ranges and other governing rules specified
later in the book.

Militia 			  roll 2 D4
Line Infantry, APFC		  roll 4 D4
RFAC-1, HVC, most Powered Armour  roll 2 D6
APSW, SLAM-3			  roll 3 D6
MDC (cannister), SLAM-4 	  roll 4 D6
SLAM-5, Powered Armour (AP)	  roll 5 D6
RFAC-2				  roll 1 D8
DFFG				  roll 4 D8/D6
MDC (flechette) 		  roll 2 D10
HEL				  roll 1 D12

target Militia			  roll 1 D4
target Line Infantry		  roll 1 D6
target Powered Armour		  roll 2 D6 (not D6x2)

firer  -1 die if target in any cover
target +1 die type if urban or dug in

A hit is scored per single weapon die that exceeds the total
thrown by the target, thus a weapon may eliminate multiple
adjacent infantry stands.

This makes some attempt to separate the chance of hitting and
the chance of penetrating the personal armour of the target;
if some of the chances I propose seem a bit strange it's
because I've assumed that anything larger than RFAC-2 is
mainly effective through blast or equivalent effect rather
than a direct hit. Again, if I'm treading on ground already
covered by SG2 then I'll quite happily entertain suggestions
to buy a copy.

Both of these proposals beg the question of artillery.

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