Re[4]: Help - 15mm groundmounts wanted....
From: Claus Paludan <cpaludan@w...>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 13:08:06 +0200
Subject: Re[4]: Help - 15mm groundmounts wanted....
Hi Glenn,
Friday, August 13, 2004, 12:50:44 PM, you wrote:
GMW> Stan Johansen has Mortar team with his 28 mm mercs that might
GMW> VH Mortars, and tri-pod "Laser Cannon" [same gun in 28 mm is
GMW> heavy in 15 mm) representing a support weapon (Old 'infantry gun'
GMW> with grav plates/sled for mobility?) that might help. Also lots of
GMW> 'bits' to build with...
Where do I find his miniatures? And don't you think 28mm stuff would
be rather big for 15mm's? I know I said heavy weapons, but if I took a
28mm MG42 - it would be 1œ times higher than a 15mm fig :) (Of course
I could do the Guns of Navarone hehe :)
With kind regards
Claus Paludan
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