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Flanking Maneuver - was RE: % of front shots

From: "B Lin" <lin@r...>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 14:14:47 -0600
Subject: Flanking Maneuver - was RE: % of front shots

Basic concepts for organizing a flanking maneuver:

You purchase units for the flanking force (standard cost)
You then purchase the "Flank Maneuver" for that force, cost is equal to
the cost rating of the SLOWEST unit type in the force, multiply cost
rating(times base flank cost) times the number of units to get the cost
of the flank maneuver. (i.e. slow units cost 3x, medium cost 2x and fast
units cost 1x) I don't know what the actual base flank cost should be,
perhaps 5-10 points per unit, but it would require play-test to
determine the actual balance point.

Decide which flank the force(s) will enter on.

After allocating points, each side declares if there are flank
march(es)and which side they are entering on and the point total for
each force.  If one side (Side A) has no flank marches and the opponent
has flank attacks to both sides, then Side A sets up in a 24 MU diameter
circle of the exact center of the board and the opponent may set-up
forces on ANY side.

Non-flanking forces are set-up first, then flanking forces in order of
speed (High speed forces first) if forces are equal speed, the larger
point force sets up first.  There is a minimum distance that new forces
must be set up from previously placed opposing units (24-36 MU perhaps).

If the flank is opposed (i.e. both players have a force entering from
that side) then the force sets up on the owning players side of the
board on that flank.  If the flank is unopposed the force MAY set up in
the flank area anyhere up to the OPPONENT's side of the board. (with the
minimum 24-36 MU distance from previously placed opposing units)

So the setup rules will have take into account the extra space for
flanking with the non-flanking units setting up using the center section
of the board (perhaps the middle 40-60 mu) with 20-24 MU on either side
for flanking forces.

With this method you need to make decisions regarding whether to
allocate resources to cover your flanks or at least have to consider
when purchasing your force that you might be attacked from multiple
directions and choose your force structure appropriately. 

	    |	       |
	    |	Flank  |
	    |	       |  
	    |	       |
	    |	       |
 Player A   |  Center  |  Player B
	    |	       |
	    |	       |
	    |  Flank   |


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian B []
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: % of front shots - was RE: Well, too interesting to drop
all of the posts in this thread...

Or call in
> airstrikes or off-baord artillery to eliminate enemy
> Artillery, AA batteries or reinforcements.  Another
> example might be spending extra points to maneuver
> your grav tanks to the flank - 

And if your opponent does the same?  It's an idea
worth considering, but I'd be interested to see what
details you can suggest for how the mechanics would

Prev: Re: Well, too interesting to drop all of the posts in this Next: Facing was: Well, too interesting