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Re: (DS): Systems per Class

From: Brian B <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 14:24:53 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: (DS): Systems per Class

--- "John K. Lerchey" <> wrote:
> I have to agree with Glenn on this one.  If the game
> loses the "tanks and 
> infantry and artillery and air units fighting each
> other" feel, being 
> replaced by something like nanotech and
> cyberwarfare, while it could be 
> interesting, it's NOT what I'd want to play. 

And I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in
disagreement on this point.  But I think you're either
misunderstanding or misrepresenting the points OO was
trying to make -- an inadvertent straw man, if you
will, because I don't think he was advocating
eliminating these elements, but rather increasing the
resources available to all of them.

> There is plenty of sci fi (Hammers Slammers,
> Shelly's Cadet, Luitenant, 
> Captain, etc. series, the Bolo books, Legion of the
> Damned, Last Legion, 
> FIST, and others) that incorporate things that have
> been mentioned in the 
> postings (EW, drones, different targeting
> techniques, etc.) without making 
> them the key element of the genre.

So let's find a way to incorporate them, shall we?

> I think that there are ways to tweak, or perhaps
> overhaul the DS2 system to 
> make a more sci-fi game 

And I think there are some things about DS 2 that
require a complete overhaul.
> I like the overall system, but O.O. is right... it
> does not feel 
> "futuristic" enough given current technology trends.


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