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Re: (DS): Systems per Class

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 08:00:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: (DS): Systems per Class

--- Glenn M Wilson <> wrote:

> missile at a time '  - and the actual design was
> never fielded but only
> an 'on paper' developed Size 5 vehicle with 5 GMS/Hs
> and a Fire Team
> (just for s... kicks...  and grins) each using a
> GMS/L as a platoon of
> Ultra Heavy Tank Destroyers. 

Go for it.  PLEASE.  How many points would that
platoon cost?  I make it about 415 points if it is
slow tracked, CFE, Armor 5, Sup ECM, Sup GMS, and
ignoring the fire teams, and no stealth.

295 if you drop the stealth and downgrade your GMS to
Enhanced.  220 if GMS/H/Basic, but then what's the

Given that for 276 points I can buy a Grav Tank with
Superior ECM, Basic PDS, and an MDC/4(T), I would
welcome such a thing on my table.  I can reach out and
touch you at a longer range, where you are rolling a
d4 defence and I'm rolling a d6 even if I shoot on the

Oh, and if you please, bunch up the platoon so I can
use it as artillery bait.  Preferably after
dismounting the infantry.  :)

> The argument was that no vehicle could survive
> picking 5 chits five times

Few vehicles can survive picking 4 chits once.	I mean
it happens, but once you get hit by any size 4 weapon
(HELs excepted) you are likely at least damaged.

> previously that multiple GMS did not come in
> individually but one die
> roll for the 'salvo' until I showed this design. 

If he wants a freakin' salvo, get a freakin salvo
launched attack missle.


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