Re: [DSII] Aeons of the Stranger Sort
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 13:22:53 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [DSII] Aeons of the Stranger Sort
--- John C <> wrote:
> So I'm looking for ideas as to Battlefield Magic
> that fits the following
> criteria:
> 1) Proper Lovecraftian flavor. Fireballs, for
> example, are Right Out.
> 2) Interesting. Pretty self-explanatory, that.
> 3) Playability. "Immanentize the Eschaton",
> while quite interesting, is
> something of a game-breaker.
> 4) Tactically appropriate. This is where the
> Call of Cthulhu list fails
> me, as most of their spells are focused (not
> surprisingly) on affecting
> individuals.
Well, this is interesting.
I find that most of the CoC (5th Edition, Chaosium)
stuff is pretty long-casting-time. Not appropriate
when the Thing With Tentacles is running at you at
close range.
However, let me suggest (assuming this sort of this is
tweaked a LOT to make it battlefield-worthy):
Bless Weapon--Short-term effect that allows it to
function fully effectively vs. Mythos creatures.
Elder Sign Armor--Must be 'activated' but prevents
Mythos creatures from close assaulting.
Curse of Darkness--chance to dismiss the Thing(s) from
this reality.
Dominate: Chance to control Thing(s)
Otherwise, custom spells could be barrier in nature,
or could restore sanity to Mythos victims. Probably
not so heavy on summoning nasties as on trying to
control the ones already here.
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