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RE: (DS): Systems per Class

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 15:19:34 -0400
Subject: RE: (DS): Systems per Class

At 1:09 PM -0400 7/21/04, John K Lerchey wrote:
>I beg to differ here, but only because I'm a pain the rear. :)
>The M-16 had quad .50 cals.  Given that they shoot down aircraft, 
>and *do* have the capability of engaging lightly armored vehicles at 
>shorter ranges, I'd call 'em RFAC/1s.

Ever hear of Eve of Destruction? She was a Vietnam Era Gun Truck. 
They also tended to add a single .50 on the front over the cab in 
addition to the quad 50 mounted in back. It was not used as an AA 

-		  Data Center Operations Group		      -
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- Ryan Montieth Gill		       One CNN Center SE0813 E -
- Internet Technologies   --   Data Center Operations Manager  -
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