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SG-1 Bag of Dirty Tricks was: SG-1 in SG2

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 11:20:42 -0400
Subject: SG-1 Bag of Dirty Tricks was: SG-1 in SG2

At 3:41 PM +0100 7/16/04, matt tope wrote:
>Ryan Gill wrote:
>>I'm waiting on a cross gate weapon adaptation of a SideArm for use 
>>against death gliders. Basically a Malp mounted radar that rolls 
>>through the gate and designates >nearby ground and aerial targets 
>>for a launcher on the other side of the gate. The computers on the 
>>SGC side handle the hard number crunching and the Missles 
>>are >launched through the gate room at anything that's flying or in 
>>LOS of the Malp. Kind of a through the wormhole Aegis, but on a 
>>smaller scale. Off axis sidewinder >missiles would make that 
>>possible, so would an AMMRAM based system, both have been either 
>>modified or checked out for ground launched use, on the former 
>>has >been deployed however.
>If they still have that second gate (I'm a bit behind on the series) 
>couldn't they hang it horizontally from some chinooks and hover the 
>whole array over the forward missile cells on the USS Ticonderoga? 

Build a second gate room somewhere else for activating that gate when 
needed for firing system. Don't bother with the ship, just a launcher 
system. Problem is you're going to have the missiles exiting the 
other gate at a different angle, so best to fire through a vertical 
and upright gate for a proper exit attitude from the far side gate. 
Mind you, a MALP is going to have trouble carrying a SPY-1 radar 
through the gate and powering the thing when on the other side (hmmm, 
Naquada generator?). SM-1 ER-2's aren't really necessary I suspect. 
Something more on the line of Hellfire/Longbow would work just fine 
and be more portable, Great for ground targets. Sidewinders would 
work great for Death Gliders. However, Alkesh's would be harder to 
deal with and need lots of Sidewinders or something more stout than a 
fragmentation warhead.
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