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Re: SG-1 in SG2

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 13:08:01 -0400
Subject: Re: SG-1 in SG2

At 7:09 AM -0700 7/14/04, J L Hilal wrote:
>I recently got some "Sci-Fi Egyptians" from GZG, and have been working
>on SG2 stats.
>Immediately appearant were two questions:
>1) how faithful to the show are the size of forces
>2) how faithful to the show are the choice of human weapons
>For the first, replication of the show will result in very small forces
>(4-man SG teams, 8-12 figures).  This is not suitable for SG2, but
>rather FMA-Skirmish.  Wanting larger (SG2) games, we decided that the
>force size on the show is for a variety of cinematic reasons (extras,
>props and costuming, Red-Shirt Syndrome, etc.).  It makes a lot more
>sense to send much larger forces through the Gate, on the order of a SF
>Alpha team (12), SEALs (16), or army or marine rifle squad (9 or 13)
>for close recon, and a rifle platoon (35-41 or 43) for more thorough
>The second is important for how the statistics work out.  This is
>because the Jaffa and SG teams are always mutually within or out of
>range, even outdors.  I.e. the staff weapons have the same range as the
>human weapons.  Therefore, if you go by the show, with SG teams using
>MP-5s or P-90s, both of which are SMGs, then the staff weapon is also
>limited to the first range band.  If instead, you equip the SG teams as
>US infantry and/or SF/SEALs, then the staff weapons use the normal
>small arms ranges rather than the pistol/SMG ranges.

Actually, I'd argue that the P90s fall into a middle band for 
effectiveness with the M-16s and that the Staff weapons and Zats are 
short range weapons. The episode where SG-1 and specifically Captain 
Carter (at the time) show up a bunch of the free Jaffa exactly how 
effective their weapons are....Carter saws a swinging log in half 
with the P90 and then cuts the remaining bit down.

The lack of sights on the Staff Weapons limits their effective range 
as far as accuracy. They make up for it in quantity however when the 
SG teams are in battle at range. Even so, their accurate fire gives 
more than they get. There's more there than troop quality.

>Weapons that have appeared in the show indicated by *:
>.45 M-1911		  FP:2	I:d8  RB:Qx1  1st RB only, +1 DT in CQB
>9mm M-9 or M-11       *  FP:2	I:d6  RB:Qx1  1st RB only, +1 DT in CQB
>5.7mm P-90	       *  FP:4	I:d8  RB:Qx1  1st RB only, +2 DT in CQB

P90's are effective to 200 yards so they need to go further and they 
have a better AP performance (that's 200 yards and able to penetrate 
multiple layers of kevlar). The P90's 50 round magazine should have 
an impact on it's game performance too.

5.7mm P-90		* FP:4	I:d8  RB:Qx1  2xRB shifts, +2 DT in CQB

>9mm MP-5	       *  FP:3	I:d8  RB:Qx1  1st RB only, +2 DT in CQB
>.40/10mm MP-10 	  FP:3	I:d10 RB:Qx1  1st RB only, +2 DT in CQB
>Assault Rifles
>5.56mm M-4	       *  FP:3	I:d8  RB:Qx1  2xRB shifts, +1 DT in CQB
>5.56mm M-16 family    *  FP:3	I:d8  RB:Qx1
>5.56mm M-16 drum fed  *  FP:4	I:d8  RB:Qx1

Don't forget the Russians!

>Squad Support Weapons
>5.56mm M-249 AR mode  *  FP:4	I:d8  RB:Qx2 +1 DT in CQB
>5.56mm M-249 LMG mode	  FP:d8 I:d8  RB:Qx2 1-crew SW, +1 DT in CQB

Make these RB:Qx3. The longer barrel does have an effect on it's range.

>40mm M-79 GL	       *
>-  2 modes of fire, 4 ammo markers per grenadier, 1st RB only, +1 DT
>1st round of CQB 
>-  single shot 	  FP:2	I:d8  RB:Qx1  no ammo used
>-  rapid fire		  FP:d8 I:d8  RB:Qx1  uses 1 ammo marker
>40mm M-203 attached to M-16 or M-4*
>-  3 modes of fire, 3 GL ammo markers per grenadier, +1 DT 1st round of
>- as M-16 or M-4
>- rifle +single grnade: as rifle, but FP:2+2, 1st RB only, no ammo used
>- GL rapid fire (as M79)  FP:d8 I:d8  RB:Qx1  uses 1 ammo marker
>Heavy Support Weapons
>7.62mm M-60 bipod LMG *   FP:d8  I:d12  RB:Qx4  2-crew SW
>7.62mm M-240B bipod LMG   FP:d8  I:d12  RB:Qx4  2-crew SW
>7.62mm M-240B tripod MMG  FP:d10 I:d12  RB:Qx4  3-crew SW
>7.62mm M-240 pintle/ring  FP:d10 I:d12  RB:48	 mounted SW w/o FCS
>7.62mm M-240 coaxial	   FP:d10 I:d12  RB:80	 mounted SW w/ FCS
>.50 M-2HB tripod BHMG	   FP:d10 I:d12* RB:Qx5  4-crew SW
>.50 M-2HB pintle/ring *   FP:d10 I:d12* RB:60	 mounted SW w/o FCS
>.50 M-2HB coaxial	   FP:d10 I:d12* RB:100  mounted SW w/ FCS
>Jaffa weapons:
>Generally shown as firing at a rate equal to bolt-action (FP:1) or
>semi-auto (FP:2), however, there are some instances where they are
>fired very rapidly (by Breetak and the amazon Jaffa) which pushes
>towards FP:3.	Further, the blast effect of the staff might give a
>boost into a die type, d6 or d8.  If you play with MP5 and P90, then
>all fire will be in the 1st RB and die type FP staff weapons will shred
>the SG player very quickly (4-8 jaffa per squad).

Thats the thing. The SG teams tend to take down Jaffa rather quick 
with their accurate fire whereas the JAffa are more used to moving to 
close range and defeating their opponents. Note, Jaffa tend to 
survive Staff blasts whereas the SG weapons tend to shred the Jaffa 
and the symbiote with a full on torso shot. Especially with the P90s 
and other higher FB auto weapons.

As Jack said, Staff weapons are instruments of terror. A P-90 is an 
instrument of war. The sights alone restrict the accuracy of the 

>Unless the target is a main character or is needed for the plot, the
>blast is usually fatal, indicating a high Impact, d10 or d12.	Plus
>effectivenes vs. structures and cover might indicate a *.

I'd say low FP for the staff weapons, but high impact. D10. They're 
not very good as far as AP quality.

>Zat: always effective, but never fatal on single hit?

THis should be permissive of the user's intention. Fire several times 
in a row and you can kill your opponent. But, it's also close ranged 
(ie no sights).

>RB:Qx1, limits as predominant SG weapon: 1st RB only if MP5/P90, no
>limit otherwise
>so . . .
>Jaffa Staff Weapon
>if vs. MP5/P90      FP:2 or 3, 1st RB only
>if vs. M16/M4, etc  FP:d6 ?
>in either case I:d10* or d12*	 and RB:Qx1

I don't like the sliding scale thing. FP 2-3 is good. Keep the range 
band short. Quality times 1 or .5? Fire a .22 rifle with out the 
sights either over your shoulder looking down the barrel or from the 
hip and tell me what you hit. Braitak and Tealc are good because 
they're well, good. But most of the Jaffa just aren't on their level.

>Staff Cannon, manual		   FP:d10 or d12 I:d12*  RB:Q  x(3 or 4)
>Staff Cannon, groundmout w/o FCS  FP:as above	 I:d12*  RB:12 x(3 or 4)

Still, crappy sights. Lower the FP, FP 8.

>  . . . PERSONAL ARMOR . . .
>The show has discussed that modern ballistic body armor offers no
>protection against staff weapons, and from observation Jaffa armor
>offers no protection against anything :)

Actually, I think it does provide some protection, but when the SG 
teams shifted to the P90's it was out the window. 9mm isn't so hot 
against basic armor, but an FN5.7 is very much designed to defeat 
hard armor at range.

>This indicates that armor has 2 ratings, one vs ballistic and another
>vs energy.
>For game purposes, we are going to give Jaffa armor a good resistance
>to staff weapons.  There seem to be several layers to Jaffa armor: a
>mesh cloth/chainmail, scuplted outer plates, and in the pilot Teal'c
>has a large inner chestplate that he removes at the time of the prison

Jaffa seem to die when struck at close range right square on the 
chest. Shoulder shots don't tend to kill them.

>Unarmored, untrained				A: 1 /1
>Unarmored, trained				A:d2 /d2
>Minimal armor (helmet & PASGT vest), untrained A:d2 /d2
>Minimal armor (helmet & vest), trained 	A:d4 /d4
>light armor (+reinforcements), untrained	A:d4 /d2
>light armor (+reinforcements), trained 	A:d6 /d4
>heavy reinforced armor (Interceptor), trained	A:d10/d4
>bareheaded Jaffa				A:d4 /d8
>helmeted Jaffa 				A:d6 /d10
>Additionally, I am leaning toward giving helmeted Jaffa some sort of
>bonus for advanced sensors and FCS.  Either in the form of adding an
>extra die to small arms fire in the form of a d8 or d10 FC die, or give
>bonus die shifts on range die when firing?
>Similar additions for SG forces with sighting aids (scoped rifles,
>thermal sights, etc.).

Remeber, the SG teams should eat up their equivalent number of Jaffa. 
The Jaffa have to pile on and get close.

Don't forget the claymore mines, ManPadSAMs, AT-4s (seen them on the 
show once I think) and the other weapons. Oh, there's also the issue 
of a Gould on the battle field.

Oh, and then there's the issue of a Asgard Ship showing up, the 
associated fleeing of the Gould and the Jaffa standing around in 
stark terror as they are beamed to where ever the Asgard beam them 
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