Re: Engineers Was Re: TOE
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 17:37:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Engineers Was Re: TOE
--- Ryan Gill <> wrote:
> Demolitions are performed with a carrot or
> explosives frame placed
> against the structure to be blown.
WTF? Someone please explain how a vehicle-mounted
system will do THIS?
> One could postulate a smaller MICLC system with out
> the need for a
> larger trailer if you have a stronger explosive.
> Fuel Air explosion
> over the field sufficient to crush the mines?
Nah, that's merely overpressure--MICLIC is obsolete
itself. Check the new Mongoose net charge--net with
multiple charges in a pattern. Mere overpressure can
be dealt with with baffles.
> Assuming 1/300 figs:
> Size 3 AEV Tracked
> Recovery Vehicle Package
> Can recover/repair an equivalent sized or smaller
> vehicle.
> And dig emplacements
WTF? The M-88 does NOT have earth-moving capacity.
That spade is for stabilization when lifting heavy
objects with the boom, not digging holes. It can't do
> CUCV? Civilain Utility Commercial Vehicle? A bit
> small for a lot of
> the kit, but good for a basic mechanic and his tools
> for moderate
Sure--if it's something that can be fixed with bit of
wrench-turning and some handy spare parts. Which most
things can be.
But then again, I'm not terribly familliar with BDAR
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