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RE: [FT] Simple cloaking system proposal

From: "Paul Owen" <paul.owen@g...>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 11:26:59 +0100
Subject: RE: [FT] Simple cloaking system proposal

I seem to have missed the original to this, but as I just got my NI
ships I
am interested in the cloak / stealth tech

> >Hmm, interesting.  Basically, it's a "super" shield that you 
> can't fire
>  >through.  Initially I'd be concerned that it would make it 
> too easy for these  >ships to maneuver under the cloak into a 
> perfect firing position and then  >drop the cloak and whack 
> the opponent.  A cloak+wave motion gun combo would be  >devastating.	
> I see your point there...
> >Some possibilities:
>	>Make the cloak *very* energy intensive.  The cloaked 
> ship can only use
>	>half it's current thrust when cloaked.
> Hm, not a bad suggestion at all. Adds a little tactical 
> inflexibility that would make players a little more cautious 
> in using the cloak. Actually, that idea is growing on me, 
> nice balancing mechinism, and simple at that. 
Would make some ships very unmanuervaerable (yes I know its spelt
what was wrong with the original movement for cloaked ships ie they have
state how long the cloak is on for and plot all turns in cloak in

>	>Allow missiles/salvo missiles/amt's to attack it 
> normally.  Apply the
>	>-3 to the die roll to see how many missiles go in from 
> each salvo.  
>	>Subtract one "range band" from the AMT's that attack.	
> Cut any heavy 
>	>missile damage in half.  These would all represent the 
> explosions being
>	>nearby to the ship, but not actually *on* it (as well 
> as the damping
>	  >effect of the cloak).
Hmmm...  Would this give the position of the ship away to the enemy, or
you relying on people not acting on the info they should not know.

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