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RE: DSII - To Word Format... Yet?

From: "Paul Owen" <paul.owen@g...>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 16:11:04 +0100
Subject: RE: DSII - To Word Format... Yet?

And its an awful lot smaller, chapter 3 for instance is just shy of 600k
a pdf whereas the .doc version that it derives from is 2.5MB

It looks like there are 2 people doing the same thing on here I have
scanned and ocr'd with images in word. And it look like Michael has as
we need to agree who is doing what else I think the work may end up
done twice here.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU 
> [mailto:owner-gzg-l@lists.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU] On Behalf Of 
> Roger Burton West
> Sent: 22 June 2004 14:56
> To:
> Subject: Re: DSII - To Word Format... Yet?
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 09:48:44AM -0400, Warren Shultzaberger wrote:
> >Why PDF it when people are asking for the file in Word Format?
> Because we don't all run Windows or like running heavyweight 
> viewer programs. A PDF with OCR is usable in more places than 
> either the original graphical PDF or an MS-Word version; and 
> you can cut and paste things from it into your own work just 
> as with MS-Word.
> I did say "as well". Converting from MS-Word to PDF is 
> trivial if you have the tools available.
> R

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