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Re: rear firing arcs (was 3-row hull)

From: Jared Hilal <jlhilal@y...>
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2004 01:35:14 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: rear firing arcs (was 3-row hull)

--- wrote:  
> And, that's a silly rule.  It might be good for the Tuffley verse,
> but not mine.  It does slightly favor him, but getting to rear arcs
> is not that easy when the opponent uses advanced drives.

If you are going to allow unlimited fire into the aft arc, I suggest
that you limit the number of 6-arc weapons, especially if your
reasoning is "realism", since it is really hard to clear enough fields
of fire for multiple 6-arc batteries.

I suggest limiting the total mass of the weapons that have 6-arcs:
Ship TMF  Total mass of 6-arc weapons
1-4	  1 mass limit
5-16	  4 mass limit
17-64	  9 mass limit
65-128	  16 mass limit
129-256   25 mass limit
257-512   36 mass limit

> One thing that has worked against me is his tendency to make
> 1 point turns closer to 45 degrees than 30.  I've chastised him
> on this and he's getting better at making the correct turns.

If you have your ships based on hex stands, I have a really good
turning tool you might like that could help you with this.


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