Re: mixing technology in a force was Re: 15mm FCT/Kwa'Zulu pics - Saeed Khalifate, etc.
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2004 21:37:59 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: mixing technology in a force was Re: 15mm FCT/Kwa'Zulu pics - Saeed Khalifate, etc.
--- wrote:
> GEV/MDC (NEA - small FSE backed independents,)
> GEV/DFFG (IC - the big player in the system,)
> GEV/GMS (NPC - NAC backed [very] independent,)
You have a purely DFFG-armed unit? Does that work
out? I can't imagine giving up all my ranged
I also dislike having GMS-pure units. Each of these
weapon 'types' (direct fire, direct fire close range,
and guided missle) have their strengths and weaknesses
and in my experience tend to have a more synergistic
effect than anything "pure".
For instance, if you don't use GMS at all, then your
enemies do not feel the urge to design their vehicles
with ECM or PDS. So they get to save big money. If
you don't use direct fire at all, then your opponents
don't spend on stealth (I know, according to OO
stealth is never worth it.). I'd rather make them
worry about every single threat on the board. I want
them to have to buy ZADS and counter-battery radars
and everything else because they are worried about
what combination I might throw out there.
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