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[SG] Close Combat Re: 15mm FCT/Kwa'Zulu pics - Saeed Khalifate, etc.

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 02:05:31 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [SG] Close Combat Re: 15mm FCT/Kwa'Zulu pics - Saeed Khalifate, etc.

--- Adrian Johnson <> wrote:
> 2 x Assault Squads (8 ORs each)
> Each Assault Squad includes the Squad Leader, SAW
> Gunner, and six troopers.
> Two members of the squad are armed with
> SMG/Auto-Shotgun, and the five
> remaining are armed with the standard issue AR.

So, do you find it 'cost-effective' to equip squads
specifically for close combat?	I never have because I
have this huge aversion to reducing my ranged
firepower.  Does it work for you?


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