Walker thread and Cotu note
From: <warbeads@j...>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 16:54:48 -0500
Subject: Walker thread and Cotu note
There is a discussion on how people use walkers on
15mmSciFi@yahoogroups.com also right now.
Basically I said I see Walkers in my 15 mm SG forces (None specifically
for 15 mm owned currently, although I could use some BT ones from my DS
forces I suppose) as Support Weapon platforms supporting other
units/forces. SPAG (Self propelled assault guns) or SPATG/M (Self
propelled Anti-Tank Gun/Missile) although I think they could be useful
for infantry suppression too (Direct fire ARTY in direct contravention
of (deep booming voice effect) "The Stated Rules" thing.) I think I
envision a PHR multi-barrel HEL on a Size Class 5 vehicle in my future.
BTW, I have rewritten my DS 2 armies to blend better with the 'stock'
history (Although I went non-canon in one respect and used what someone
suggested on their web site (O.O.?) that the LLAR is still a power on
Earth variation would be more consistent/logical. Anyone interested I
can send both the draft DS 2 and SG 2 Excel spreadsheets for feedback
before I post it... somewhere... probably on the appropriable Yahoo
groups I am on. Corrections, comments, advice I will ignore <grin>
Biggest changes are I replaced the SAI (non-Canon) with the IC (Canon),
converted the LLP (non-canon) to the LLAR (canon), converted the RRR
(non-canon) to the RH (canon) , kept the NPC 'non-canon' independents
with ties to the NAC, made the NEA (combining the best and worst from
American and European stereotypes) another non-canon group with ties to
both the FSE and the NAC, moved the PHR's Cotu ("Middle Kingdom"
from their own planet to a 'penal' continent on the planet everyone else
is on. And the big fish in the small pond is the IC (more or less
keeping a evil eye on the PHR.) The HEL Armed IJK became Mercs.
Definitely a backwater part of space since I envision the power
relationships (from more to less power) to be
I. NAC/ESU (Deigns to visit the region on rare occasions... usually
they want something)
II. FSE/NSL (only when trying to sell 'used spaceships' to the local
III. RH/LLAR/IC (but this setting represents either 'first command' or
'waiting to retire' level of assignments for these powers.)
IV. PAU/IF/NI/OU (currently no contacts although if there was a good
reason to allow that...)
V. Japan/Netherlands (no contacts) and our remaining 'local heros' - the
The NEA are the kind of people who wrote the treaties to the Native
Americans in the 1776 to 1880 time period. The NPC are the descendents
of those who signed those treaties. The PHR are Christian Communists
(nuf said there) so there is PLENTY of scenario settings between the PHR
and the IC (and everybody else for that matter,) NPC versus NEA, LLAR
versus NEA, and the PH there for a bit of achange in gaming.
Full Thrust wise, the IC station a small force there, the NPC own NAC
hulls (converted to preferred weaponry,) and the PHR have STL ships (the
IC/ESU/Japan have made a ban on FTL to the PHR stick so far.)
System has two usable planets (New Nanye'hi/Sylvania/Cotu/other names
depending on who you ask and Red Dawn) plus both planets have large
that various groups/nations have stations on.
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