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Re: FTJava V0.13 released

From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 12:55:09 +0200
Subject: Re: FTJava V0.13 released

Gah. This should of course have gone to the FTJava list, not to this
Ah well; doesn't matter too much.

Jon Davis wrote:

>Thank you for your thorough analysis!

You're welcome.

>>  - Cargo holds should be 3x 4-Mass holds (one per row of hull boxes),

>> not 4x 3-Mass holds
>Cargo Holds have not been corrected to reflect the variable hull rows,
>or single 1 mass holds.  It should be easy to correct.

OK, good.

>I can work on the UNSC carriers.  They weren't a major priority for

Not surprising, since the fighter code isn't finished yet... I wondered
the added G1s were in compensation for their inability to use their 
fighters or something like that, but now I don't think so :-/

>>>   * Imperial Japanese ships and icons, designed by Vince Johnston.
>>Not very similar to what the IJN beta-test ships are likely to look
>>(hi Roger!), but aside from that they look nice :-)
>Correct, I've not paid too close attention to the play-test IJN
>but Vince had interest in getting his designs available for scenarios.

No worries... though he may want to change the name of this fleet 
eventually <g>

>>- ALL systems except Core and Engines trying to hide on ALL Kra'Vak 
>>ships. (BTW, any particular reason why the KV are in the "Full Thrust"

>>directory rather than the "FB2" directory?)
>The FleetBook1 and FleetBook2 directories are empty in the standard
>distribution, in accordance with Jon Tuffley's wishes.

I was surprised to find the FB2 KV designs in there at all, yes...

>I can send you (or other players with the Fleet Books) the current Ship


Yes please :-)

>Some of your comments are based on the V0.12 Ships and have been
>in V0.13.

Hm. Unless the names of the various files has been changed, the older 
versions should have been overwritten by the newer ones.

<short delay>

OK, now I've deleted and re-installed everything, so there *can't* be
V0.12 ships left... the PAU "Entebee-class BC" is gone, but that's the
corrected one I can see on a quick search.

>Can I send you the current directories and let you review them again?

If there's any risk that the "delete-and-reinstall everything" hasn't 
cleaned the V0.12 stuff out, by all means do so.



"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."

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