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Re: FTJava V0.13 released

From: Jon Davis <davisje@n...>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 05:30:25 -0400
Subject: Re: FTJava V0.13 released

Oerjan Ohlson wrote:

> Problems:

Thank you for your thorough analysis!

> * UNSC Hermes-class Courier (not "Corvette"):
>    - Hull should be 2 boxes, not 1
>    - Armament should be 1 B1-6, not 2
>    - The 1-mass VIP quarters are missing, though compared to the above

> this is a minor nitpick <g>
> * UNSC Sol-class SDN:
>    - Cargo holds should be 3x 4-Mass holds (one per row of hull
> not 4x 3-Mass holds

Cargo Holds have not been corrected to reflect the variable hull rows,
or single 1 mass holds.  It should be easy to correct.

I can work on the UNSC carriers.  They weren't a major priority for
this release.

>>    * Imperial Japanese ships and icons, designed by Vince Johnston.
> Not very similar to what the IJN beta-test ships are likely to look
> (hi Roger!), but aside from that they look nice :-)

Correct, I've not paid too close attention to the play-test IJN
but Vince had interest in getting his designs available for scenarios.

> Kra'Vak:
> - ALL systems except Core and Engines trying to hide on ALL Kra'Vak 
> ships. (BTW, any particular reason why the KV are in the "Full Thrust"

> directory rather than the "FB2" directory?)

The FleetBook1 and FleetBook2 directories are empty in the standard
distribution, in accordance with Jon Tuffley's wishes.	I can send you
(or other players with the Fleet Books) the current Ship directories.

It sounds like you overwrote the FTJava V0.12 directory with the FTJava
directory.  The KV are no longer in the "Full Thrust" directory, but in
and should be fully compliant.

Some of your comments are based on the V0.12 Ships and have been
in V0.13.

Can I send you the current directories and let you review them again?


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