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Re: UNSC ship pics

From: Ray Forsythe <erf2@w...>
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2004 22:15:10 -0500
Subject: Re: UNSC ship pics

Star Ranger wrote:

>>Does anyone have a picture of the UNSC Strike Cruiser, FT-1118?
> OK, I got the kids out of my hair for a while and got my Strike
> built and based and then took some pics.
> It is up on the UNSC Beta-test page and I also put up some better pics
of a
> couple other ships while I was at it.
> Now I just need to get these and the rest of my UNSC fleet primed and
> painted.

Thank you very much.  The new pictures were a great help.

Ray Forsythe - -

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