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Re: [SGII] Alien seed

From: "John C" <john1x@h...>
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 14:02:28 +0000
Subject: Re: [SGII] Alien seed

>Robertson, Brendan wrote:
>>You've been reading "Armor", haven't you?
>No...but I think I recall something similar from GDW?	Not Kfir,
>but close.

The Kaffir.  Never been a big Traveller fan, but the Kaffir were so 
well-thought-out that I picked up the sourcebook when I had the chance. 

Only thing that I have from the entire line.

Basically, the Kaffir get smarter when they are under stress.  They go
being barely smarter than monkeys to being smarter than humans... if
sufficient stimulus.  And each time this process occurs, the "baseline" 
state gets a bit more intelligent.

Officers are generally smart examples of the species; not functioning on

human levels, but smarter than the average bug.  They "motivate" their 
troops by hurting them a bit.  Shooting them with pellet guns, beating
with batons...gets the soldier's attention AND raises his IQ a bit.

It's an interesting idea, and very easy to adapt to a tabletop setting.

John Crimmins

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