Re: Diceless Full Thrust (was: more Graser observations)
From: <apter@b...>
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 18:07:22 -0500
Subject: Re: Diceless Full Thrust (was: more Graser observations)
Then there is the really scary idea. Full thrust the card game.
> From: Charles Taylor <>
> Date: 2004/03/21 Sun AM 07:58:35 EST
> To:
> Subject: Diceless Full Thrust (was: more Graser observations)
> In message <003501c40cb6$6fbaa2a0$>
> <> wrote:
> [snip]
> >
> > Hmm, is diceless Full Thrust feasible? :D :D :D :D
> >
> > Glen
> I have actually considered this, but it does make some fairly
> significant changes to the mechanics.
> Initiative can simply be the largest fleet goes first, in the
> event of a tie, the smallest points total goes first, it that
> is tied...
> Beam-dice weapons can be simply made diceless by having each
> beam dice automatically result in one hit, this does, however,
> beam effectiveness by 25%. So increase cost to 4× MASS.
> However, screens then have to be totally re-designed - say each level
> of screens reduces the overall damage of a salvo by 25% (for
> screen-blocked weapons only, of course).
> Salvo missiles - each salvo is 4 missiles on target, each doing 3
> damage.
> Other weapons are harder to make diceless (I never found a
> way of doing most of them).
> Unfortunately, we then have to find a way of making thresholds
> dice-less! One option is the Silent Death approach; distribute the
> ships systems among its hull boxes, when the box is destroyed, so is
> the system.
> For simplicity, get rid of damage control entirely.
> As you can see, the result is a somewhat different game :)
> Charles