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Re: [FT] Unlimited Endurance Fighters

From: Charles Taylor <nerik@m...>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 20:11:47 GMT
Subject: Re: [FT] Unlimited Endurance Fighters

In message <>
	  Charles Taylor <> wrote:

> IIRC this was mentioned during the recent fighter discussions, but I
> cannot find where.
> It might be worth including in FT III and optional set of fighter
> for settings like Star Wars, Babylon 5, Farscape etc. where there are
> lots of fighters, and the fighters do not have a noticeably limited
> combat endurance.
> These are two proposals:
> Unlimited Endurance Fighters
> ============================
> One simple idea I've considered would be to ignore the concept of
> endurance and to streamline the resolution of combat, thus:
> 1) Fighters move before ships (no secondary moves) (but maybe _after_
> placed marker weapons?)
> 2) Fighter groups are treated as ships for initiative/activation
> purposes
> 3) Anti-ship weapons can target fighters as in the proposed new
> rules. (no evasion) Non-PDS weapons need 1 FC per fighter group.
> 1) makes fighters harder to use, but this is mitigated by the
> endurance and the ability to make 'remora' or 'screening' moves.
> 2) means that no more than one fighter group attacks at a time.
> 3) means that fighters are easy to kill (maybe too easy - maybe give
> them one 'free' DRM?)
> The costs of fighters will probably need adjusting (and long range
> fighters are redundant) This probably doesn't work to well with KV
> fighters, but these rules are not intended for the tufflyverse.

Had an idea for an enhancement - fighters are either in 'defensive' or
'offensive' mode, those in defensive mode cannot attack but gain a
defensive bonus (-1 or -2 DRM).



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