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Re: this is a first...

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@A...>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 07:46:31 -0500
Subject: Re: this is a first...

Instead of paying to make the local versions later, they would just make

them all at once.  Sounds like the same cost.

Donald Hosford

Laserlight wrote:

> Donald Hosford wrote:
>> If the movie industry did something similar, say only 5 sub-master 
>> copies of the film.
>> Then use these to make a "language master" for each of the major 
>> languages.
> One possible reason why they don't release in multiple languages 
> worldwide simultaneously is, localization into most languages isn't 
> exactly cheap, and simultaneous release makes it harder and more 
> expensive.

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