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Re: Fighters and Hangers

From: Jared Hilal <jlhilal@y...>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 09:21:31 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Fighters and Hangers

RE: SW SD ground forces
OO wrote:
> point is that those 90,000 CS worth of ground forces make such
> a small contribution to the *space combat power* of the ISD that they

> can be ignored for Full Thrust purposes.

If you include them in the design, then yes, the *offensive* power of
the ship is unaffected, but the survivability of the ship is quadrupled
(if you assume a constant ratio of hull mass rather than "pick any
number with minimum" of FB2).  So the *defensive* capability is
significantly increased.

RE: relationship between fighters and ships
I wrote:
> >Example being in SW, with TIEs et al. at any conversion rate so that
> >an ISD gets at least 1 FT fighter group and that for a Corellian 
> >Corvette/Gunship/Blockade Runner to be a minimum usable FTL ship of
> >MASS 5-6, the ISD is going to be on the order of TMF 1000.

OO responded:
>In Star Wars the smallest FTL-capable ships are single-person fighters

>(eg. X-wings), not Corellian Corvettes. (OK, 2-person fighters if you 
>count the astromech droids :-/ ) 

They may be the smallest FTL *craft*, but I would not count them as

>By your above logic this means that an *X-wing* should be represented 
>by a TMF 5-6 FTL-capable ship instead of by the fighter rules. 

Since I don't count them as *ships*, then no they shouldn't.

>Since you accept that X-wings are represented by the fighter rules in 
>spite of being FTL-capable, there is nothing which prevents you from 
>representing Corellian Corvettes in the same fashion as well.

My emphasis is on "ships" (as opposed to craft), not "FTL".  The CC is
a small *ship*.  A X-Wing, TIE Defender, or Imperial Assault Shuttle
are *craft*.  I am undecided whether the CF is a very small ship or
very large craft.

RE: ship size and game design
Laserlight wrote:
> Assuming that you want to have mostly, say, mass 50-150 ships, but 
> you also want to occasionally bring in that mass 1000 dreadplanet -- 

That assumption would be wrong.  

For example, we use B5 conversions that run about TMF 300 for Centuari
Primus and Narn G'Quan and over TMF 400 for Octurian and Bin'Tak.  For
SW, a Nebulon is about TMF 50, a SDs and MCCs well over 1000.  Our home
grown setting capital ships run about TMF 300-400.  TMF 150 would be a
large fleet escort and TMF 50 would be a small feet escort.

> have you considered writing it up as if it were a collection of
> essentially as a mobile space station?

We usually do not have superships except as a theoretical exercise. 
Using Dean Gundberg's SSD as a reference, sectional ships seem much
weaker than the same systms on a single ship because

1) a much lower amount of damage will cause threshold checks
2) area effect weapons can e interpreted to affect more than one
3) a single section can be critical to the ship, and concentrating on
that can eliminate the ship while bypassing the rest of the ship's


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