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Re: California/Texas secession

From: <warbeads@j...>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 16:25:21 -0600
Subject: Re: California/Texas secession

On Tue, 09 Mar 2004 19:29:23 +0000 writes:
>The Beast wrote:
>> Also, the doyens of Orange County and Houston/Dallas-Ft Worth have 
>> more in common, and raw power, than they'd like you to know. And 
>both just
>> like being BIG. Shame about that Alaska thing...

Maybe Alaskan Oil Money payrolls Texas leaving...  <grin>

>You have a good point there. Of course the obvious connection is the 
>hispanic population, which is big in both states. That could be a 
>uniting factor. Also, Austin is fairly liberal, and has a large 
>computer geek population. There wouldn't be much friction between 
>Austin and San Francisco/Oakland/San Jose. On the other hand, you have 
>the rest of the Texas population which has much more in common with 
>Arkansas and Louisiana. 

And Orange County?

Maybe Texas splits on its own and California 
>asks to join it in an economic union that is made more permanent later 
>on. I can't see Texas asking to join up with California. Texas will 
>stay in the union or go it alone.

One word - Confederation.  The Confederation of Cal-Tex???  LOL!


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